1 Corinthians 11:1
Be you followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
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(1) Be ye followers of me.—See concluding Note on 1 Corinthians 10.

1 Corinthians 11:1. Be ye followers of me — Carefully, therefore, follow my directions, and imitate my example, in condescension to the weaknesses and prejudices of others, for their good; even as I also — In this, and in every thing else, copy after the perfect pattern of our great Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. This verse evidently belongs to the preceding chapter, where the apostle had proposed himself as an example, and ought not to have been separated from it.11:1 The first verse of this chapter seems properly to be the close to the last. The apostle not only preached such doctrine as they ought to believe, but led such a life as they ought to live. Yet Christ being our perfect example, the actions and conduct of men, as related in the Scriptures, should be followed only so far as they are like to his.Be ye followers of me - Imitate my example in the matter now under discussion. As I deny myself; as I seek to give no offence to anyone; as I endeavor not to alarm the prejudices of others, but in all things to seek their salvation, so do you. This verse belongs to the previous chapter, and should not have been separated from it. It is the close of the discussion there.

Even as I also am of Christ - I make Christ my example. He is my model in all things; and if you follow him, and follow me as far as I follow him, you will not err. This is the only safe example; and if we follow this, we can never go astray.


1Co 11:1-34. Censure on Disorders in Their Assemblies: Their Women Not Being Veiled, and Abuses at the Love-Feasts.

1. Rather belonging to the end of the tenth chapter, than to this chapter.

followers—Greek, "imitators."

of Christ—who did not please Himself (Ro 15:3); but gave Himself, at the cost of laying aside His divine glory, and dying as man, for us (Eph 5:2; Php 2:4, 5). We are to follow Christ first, and earthly teachers only so far as they follow Christ.1 Corinthians 11:3-16 Paul exhorteth the Corinthians to follow him, as he

did Christ:

1. He praiseth them for observing the rules he had

given them.

2. And forbiddeth men to pray or prophesy with heads

covered, and women with heads uncovered; the

covering of the head being a token of subjection.

1 Corinthians 11:17-19 He blameth them for abuses in their religious

assemblies, particularly for their divisions,

1 Corinthians 11:20-22 and profanation of the Lord’s supper.

1 Corinthians 11:23-34 He remindeth them of the first institution thereof,

and showeth the danger of partaking of it unworthily.

Interpreters judge, that these words do properly belong to the foregoing chapter, in the last verse of which he had propounded his own example to them; but whether they be applied to that chapter or this, is not much material. They teach us, that the examples of the apostles are part of our rule; yet the modesty of the apostle is remarkable, who requires of his people no further to follow him than as he followed Christ: nor indeed ought any man to require more of those that are under his charge, than to follow him so far forth as he imitates the Lord Jesus Christ.

Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. &c. These words more properly close the preceding chapter, than begin a new one, and refer to the rules therein laid down, and which the apostle would have the Corinthians follow him in, as he did Christ: that as he sought, both in private and public, and more especially in his ministerial service, to do all things to the glory of God, and not for his own popular applause, in which he imitated Christ, who sought not his own glory, but the glory of him that sent him; so he would have them do all they did in the name of Christ, and to the glory of God by him: and that as he studied to exercise a conscience void of offence to God and man, in doing which he was a follower of Christ, who was holy in his nature, and harmless and inoffensive in his conversation; so he was desirous that they should likewise be blameless, harmless, and without offence until the day of Christ: and that whereas he endeavoured to please men in all things lawful and indifferent, wherein he copied after Christ, who by his affable and courteous behaviour, and humble deportment, sought to please and gratify all with whom he conversed; so he would have them not to mind high things, but condescend to men of low estates, and become all things to all, that they might gain some as he did: and once more, that as he sought not his own pleasure and advantage, but the salvation of others, in imitation of Christ, who pleased not himself, but took upon him, and bore cheerfully, the reproaches of men, that he might procure good for them; so the apostle suggests, that it would be right in them not to seek to have their own wills in every thing, but rather to please their neighbour for good to edification. Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1 belongs still to the preceding section.

Become imitators of me. Become so, Paul writes, for there was as yet a sad lack of practical evidence of this imitation; see also 1 Corinthians 10:32 (comp Kühner, a[1747] Xen. Anab. i. 7. 4).

κἀγώ] as I also have become an imitator, namely, of Christ. Comp on Matthew 15:3. Christ as the highest pattern of the spirit described in 1 Corinthians 10:33. Comp Php 2:4 ff.; Romans 15:3; Ephesians 5:2; Matthew 20:28.

[1747] d refers to the note of the commentator or editor named on the particular passage.Ch. 1 Corinthians 11:1. This verse belongs to the former chapter, and concludes the argument, as in ch. 1 Corinthians 4:16.1 Corinthians 11:1. Μιμηταί μου, imitators [followers] of me) He adds this verse to the former to show, that we must look to Christ, not to him [the apostle], as our highest example.—Χριστοῦ, of Christ) who did not please Himself, Romans 15:3, but gave Himself at all costs for our salvation, Ephesians 5:2.Verse 1. - Followers of me; rather, imitators of me; follow herein my example, as I follow Christ's. What Christ's example was, in that he too "pleased not himself," he sets forth in Romans 15:1-3; and the general principle of self abnegation for the sake of others in Philippians 2:4-8. This verse ought to be included in ch. 10. It sums up the whole argument, and explains the long digression of ch. 9. As I also am of Christ. This limits the reference to his own example. I only ask you to imitate me in points in which I imitate Christ. Followers (μιμηταί)

Lit., imitators, as Rev. This verse belongs to the closing section of ch. 10.

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